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122 total results found

Administrative Services


Key actors and stakeholders in the childhood cancer community of practice

Data Services


Tech and AI services

The beneficiaries' opinion


This section presents the most relevant outcomes of the EU4CHILD project.

Regulatory framework

Anonymisation & Pseudonymisation

Data Availability & Data Accesibility

Medical Assistance

Therapy and medication

Information and AI Basics

Clinical Factors and Background




Data Standardisation, formats & interoperability

Model and Training


Model Repositories

Data Preparation & Data Analysis

Data Standards & Homogenisation

Data Access Agreements

Data repositories

Synthetic Data

Clinical Data Common Data Models

Data Standards & Homogenisation

This section is aimed at outlining the most relevant data models for clinical data.


Regulatory framework

EU4CHILD Framework Release


Roadmap for the implementation of the European Childhood Cancer ecosystem


EU4CHILD is an EU-funded project whose goal is to understand how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help improve pediatric cancer care. This deliverable develops the analyses carried out in D.2.2 on the state of the art of AI applied to pediatric oncology and ai...

Data standards for improving the connection between health research and care delivery

Data Standardisation, formats & interop...

Data anonymisation in Europe

Anonymisation & Pseudonymisation

In this chapter, some of the most relevant activities taken to ensure a complete support to the clinical data handling are outlined. The reader should understand the procedures, the regulatory framework and the outcomes expected from these procedures. Also, l...

Standards and guidance

Regulatory framework

This section collects the most relevant standards recognised in the regulations to ensure quality and support to the development of any product or equipment intended for a medical purpose. Some of the standards are homogenised and are recognised by both Food a...

Data standards for facilitating data exchange between different health systems

Data Standardisation, formats & interop...

Data standards for mapping electronic medical records as part of medical insight and research data hubs

Data Standardisation, formats & interop...

Data standards for acquisition, archive and interchange of metadata and data for clinical research studies

Data Standardisation, formats & interop...

Projects related to Federated Learning in healthcare environment


AI model repositories in healthcare environment

Model Repositories

Projects related to Paediatric Cancer


Artificial Intelligence

Regulatory framework

The European AI Strategy

Policy and regulatory framework

The European Health Union

Policy and regulatory framework

Key related initiatives

Advocate Ecosystem

Childhood Cancer Registries

Clinical Factors and Background

Datasets Analysis

Data repositories

Concerning requirements for data gathering

Regulatory framework towards Conformity...

From a technical point of view, the considerations on data must ensure that: • Data is collected appropriately. It implies that potential consumers of the data (as per regulatory terms, the “Manufacturers” of Medical Devices) are sure they are respecting ...

EU4CHILD Report: State-of-the-art of AI implementation in childhood cancer


Thie deliverable led by OPBG presents review of data from a bibliometric analysis, an analysis of existing reviews and ongoing projects registered in published repositories, show that AI applications in pediatric oncology are mostly limited to classification o...

Data collection: General Data Protection Regulation in a nutshell

Data Standards & Homogenisation

General Data Protection Regulation GDPR 2016/679 The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive data protection law that was implemented in the European Union (EU) in 2018. Its purpose is to protect the personal data of individuals within th...

The Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Data Model in a nutshell

Data Standards & Homogenisation Clinical Data Common Data Models

The Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) is an initiative that aims to improve the analysis of healthcare data for observational research. It was established to address challenges in studying the effects of medical interventions and treatments usi...


The Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR).

Data Standards & Homogenisation Clinical Data Common Data Models

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is a standard developed by Health Level Seven International (HL7) that aims to improve the exchange and interoperability of healthcare information. FHIR provides a framework for data exchange and integration be...

Medical Device Regulation MDR 2017/745

Regulatory framework

The Medical Device Regulation (MDR) 2017/745 is a European Union (EU) regulation that governs the safety and performance requirements for medical devices. It replaces the previous Medical Device Directive (MDD) and aims to strengthen the regulatory framework f...

Paediatric Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006

Regulatory framework Regulation

Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006, commonly known as the Pediatric Regulation, is a legislation adopted by the European Union (EU) in 2006. The regulation aims to improve the development and availability of medicinal products for children. Here are the key points o...

EU4CHILD Framework official release

EU4CHILD Goals EU4CHILD Framework Release

This section describes the initial framework proposed in EU4CHILD. This framework wasa the basis on for the construction of the current UNICA4EU Knowledge base. The technical aspects, as well as initial organisation of the website are provided. See the deliver...

Roadmap for the implementation of the European Childhood cancer ecosystem

EU4CHILD Goals Roadmap for the implementation of the E...

EU4CHILD is an EU-funded project whose goal is to understand how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help improve pediatric cancer care. This deliverable develops the analyses carried out in D.2.2 on the state of the art of AI applied to pediatric oncology and ai...

Relevant data registries facing Paediatric Cancer types

Data repositories

In this section, we are continuously adding relevant literature covering several paediatric cancer topics. The goal of this section is to endow the reader with information about novel topics and applications of AI to paediatric cancer. The entire list can be f...


Data Standardisation, formats & interop... Data standards for improving the connec...

HCSRN-VDW stands for the Health Care Systems Research Network Virtual Data Warehouse. It is a collaborative effort among several health care systems in the United States to create a shared database of de-identified electronic health records (EHRs) for research...


Data Standardisation, formats & interop... Data standards for improving the connec...

The CESR-VDM is a system or approach developed by the Kaiser Permanente Center for Effectiveness and Safety Research. It is designed to facilitate clinical event surveillance and response using a virtual data mart. A virtual data mart is a database or reposito...

Clinical Data anonymisation: Introduction

Anonymisation & Pseudonymisation

Clinical data anonymization is the process of removing or altering personal identifiers from clinical data to protect the privacy and confidentiality of individuals involved in medical research or healthcare. Anonymization is crucial for ensuring that sensitiv...

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Special requirements for children

Regulatory framework Regulation

Under the GDPR, the processing of personal data of children is subject to additional safeguards and requirements. The specific age at which a child can provide their own consent for data processing varies across EU member states, ranging from 13 to 16 years ol...

Clinical Trials: The ISO 14155:2020

Regulatory framework Standards and guidance

ISO 14155:2020 is an international standard that provides guidelines for the design, conduct, recording, and reporting of clinical investigations of medical devices for human subjects. Some of the most relevant aspects of this standard (its structure) can be s...


Data Standardisation, formats & interop... Data standards for facilitating data ex...

FHIR stands for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources. It is a standard for exchanging healthcare information electronically, developed by the healthcare standards organization, Health Level Seven International (HL7). FHIR is designed to facilitate the in...


Data Standardisation, formats & interop... Data standards for mapping electronic m...

OMOP stands for Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership. It is an open, collaborative effort aimed at standardizing and analyzing observational healthcare data for research and evidence generation. The OMOP Common Data Model (CDM) is a key component of this...


Data Standardisation, formats & interop... Data standards for mapping electronic m...

i2b2 stands for Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside. It is an open-source software framework designed to facilitate the management and analysis of healthcare data for research purposes. i2b2 was developed by a consortium of academic institution...

Beneficiaries Opinion EU4CHILD: recommendations derived from consultation with stakeholders

Beneficiaries opinion

EU4CHILD recommendations derived from consultation with stakeholders A great congruence has been found between the difference sources of information, survey, interviews, focus groups, not finding relevant divergencies between quantitative and qualitative res...


Data Standardisation, formats & interop... Data standards for mapping electronic m...

PCORnet stands for the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network. It is a large-scale, national research network in the United States that aims to improve the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of clinical research. PCORnet was developed by the P...


Data Standardisation, formats & interop... Data standards for acquisition, archive...

CDISC stands for Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium. It is a global nonprofit organization that develops and promotes data standards for clinical research and healthcare. CDISC standards provide a common language and structure for organizing, colle...

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